Why did humankind need a Savior, continued?
Since intelligent decisions are irrevocable and irreversible, whatever the first man – Adam decided at the beginning of human history applied to humanity throughout its history. The decision by the representative of humankind – Adam had to remain such without the possibility of reversal. Because the first – man Adam’s decision had irreversible consequences, humankind became powerless concerning their nature. Therefore, God promised, “And I will put hostility between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring; her offspring will attack your head, and you will attack her offspring heal.” Genesis 3:15, NET. The serpent is Satan, and the woman’s seed is the Messiah.
The last blog presented humankind as a single order of intelligence, or spirit, made in God’s image. What does it mean, “in God’s image’? In addition to the human spirit being given by God, not created, humankind displayed selfless love in the same manner as God. The human spirit, as given to Adam, was good, which means it did not sin yet, or it did not yet make an intentional decision and choice. Genesis 1:31. The Holy Spirit was in Adam because he was sinless as a representative of humankind. The love of Adam radiated outward only, never toward self. The holy nature of God has been visibly demonstrated in the first human pair. However, the human spirit God gave Adam sinned by disobeying God’s command. The sinful spirit subjected the human body and the soul to the consequences of sin. When the human spirit processes information using the brain, it commands the body according to the spirit’s decision. The result is an action that involves feelings, most of the time. Human feelings are human chemistry on display. Therefore, the human soul results from the spirit acting on the body.
Regardless of the nature of the display, it is a human spirit that generates thoughts and commands the body’s actions. The human spirit generates thoughts even when there is no display in the body. The intelligent processing of information by the human spirit conforms to the God-ordained rule of logic or intelligence law. God is Spirit; therefore, the human spirit he put in Adam is a part of him. John 4:24. God is the absolute Spirit; therefore, he can assume the likeness of any created intelligence, including physical appearance. The Absolute Being can assume the form of all of the created intelligence at the same time. He loses nothing. However, we are incorrect when we conclude that God has the body. God is Spirit!
What went wrong? Read the next blog.