THE MESSAGE IN ROMANS (61) Romans 14:13

The responsibility of the believers.

“Therefore we must not pass judgment on one another, but rather determine never to place an obstacle or a trap before a brother or sister.” Romans 14:13, NET. Paul’s instructions reveal a set of essential rules that must shape the attitude of the members of the body of Christ, Christianity. There is one Jesus Christ, one body of Christ, and one Church. The essential rules revealed in the Romans chapter fourteen are:

  1. In the essentials, there must be unity.

The essential is the objective truth of the gospel. The objective truth is part of the foundation of the body of Christ. The objective truth of the gospel is what God accomplished on our behalf through the body of Jesus Christ on the cross at Golgotha. Therefore, there must be unity among the believers in this essential objective truth.

  1. In non-essential, the members of the body of Christ must practice liberty.

The non-essentials include teachings specific to a group or a denomination of believers. For example, the doctrines and preferred teachings unique to a specific fellowship or a church are non-essential concerning salvation.

  1. In everything, however, the principle of selfless love must guide the behavior and practices of the members of the body of Christ.

The twelve apostles are the foundation of the body of Christ the Christianity. Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the foundation of Christianity. However, Jesus Christ, and he only, is the foundation of our faith. In Jesus Christ, we have an irrevocable standing before the Holy God. In his eyes, we are justified, sanctified, and glorified in Jesus Christ. These benefits could not be earned by exemplary conduct. The permanent benefits we have through the foundation of our faith are the unmerited gift from God. Therefore, the members of the body of Christ must practice a lasting and unshakable unity in the objective truth of the gospel. Christ, the foundation of our faith, expects nothing less.

Continued in the next blog.

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