THE MESSAGE IN ROMANS (33) Romans 7:1 – 4

Freed from marriage to the law.

“Or do you not know, brothers and sisters (for I am speaking to those who know the law), that the law is lord over a person as long as he lives? Romans 7:1, NET. Translators of the Bible employed the noun “person” about the one ruled by the law. However, the noun “anthropou” in Greek also means “mankind” or Humankind in modern-day political correctness. God, at creation, placed humankind under the law, a specific command. He commanded Adam and the Woman not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. The command did not put on Adam an unreasonable burden. However, it did restrict him concerning what is permitted and what is not. “But you must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will surely die.” Genesis 2:17, NET. The above command reflects the Moral Law’s requirements; that created beings must obey their Creator. All humankind was placed under the Law in the first man Adam. Therefore, the whole of humankind was married to the Moral Law. God instituted the Moral Law before he created our universe and humankind.

Apostle Paul employs marriage to illustrate how humankind came under the Law’s dominion. Moral Law does not permit divorce. Humankind was the wife of Moral Law. Therefore, humankind, the wife, was under the Law’s dominion as long as she lived. Moral Law, the husband could not die. Therefore, humankind had to die to be free from marriage to the Law. Why did humankind, the wife, have to die?

Humankind, the wife, disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden. Because humankind violated God’s specific command, it had to die eternal death with no way out. Thus, humankind became a sinner irrevocably in the Garden of Eden. The sinful humankind, the wife, and the Moral Law, the husband, could no longer live in harmony. Their marriage became unbearable for humankind. The law, the husband, could not help humankind, the wife, to obey perfectly, as the Law requires. Therefore, humankind, the wife, had to die eternal death to free itself from the unbearable marriage to the Law.

Continued in the next blog.

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