Is there a Creator?

The knowledge we have gained recently shows that quantum physics and Christian theologians can cooperate in studies about God the Creator. Theological implications inherent in quantum physics and quantum cosmology are unprecedented. It quickly became evident to quantum cosmologists that it is necessary to have answers to theological implications for science to advance. An additional unexpected result of research during the quantum physics’ golden period (1970 es and 1980 es) is the discovery that only the Judeo-Christian concept concerning Absolute Intelligence can answer the theological implication. Writings by the apostle Paul were most helpful in finding appropriate answers to enable the scientific study to continue the right path of study. The logic that apostle Paul employed is identical to the quantum logic. Is it an accident? Something to consider. Paul did not know about quantum cosmology. However, we need to realize that scientific study points to God the Creator, not to God the Savior. Neither theology, science, nor philosophy could fully explain God’s acts of selfless love on behalf of sinful humankind.

It is no secret that quantum physicists have been brought face-to-face with God by implications of their theory and studies. Even the world’s greatest minds take great pains to explain why questions about God will not disappear from quantum physics. Questions such as “Is the universe the product of fortuitous events?” and “Is it possible that our universe is by creation from nothing?” Not all the world’s experts in quantum physics and quantum cosmology like the unexpected development that resulted from the human study about our universe. However, a growing number of serious and objective researchers are defying the scientific tradition and are admitting at least a possibility that our universe has a Creator who made it from nothing.

What is causing the revolutionary change in scientific thought? The root of the shift is the implications of scientific theories concerning physical reality. Advanced experiments and observations support these implications. The advanced experimental proof and discovery have shaken human scientific thought irreversibly. The primary cause for change in scientific worldview is the inexplicable nature of the subatomic world. The nature of the particles that obey the quantum law is often puzzling.

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